Click the JOIN button (top right corner) and create a username and password
A detailed list of instructions will be emailed to you
Log in to using your new username/password
Add these details to your account
Fill in an Emergency Contact
Enter your birthdate (beside your name in the Members panel click "edit" and save changes)
Purchase your Membership
Click on the orange notification bar that says "Your account is not paid for the current season. To make payment click here."
Select your membership level (early bird discount expires 4/28/2023)
Add a donation if you'd like
Enter payment and billing information and click "Submit"
Next Steps
Single Adults or Senior Single Members have no further steps, you are done!
All other accounts should add additional members under the Members Panel > Add Member
Add member for as many people are on your account. If you do not add all your children to your account they won't come up when the guards try and check them in.
YEAH!!! Now you are members!!!
Feel free to reach out for help! [email protected] Memberships are non refundable but can be transferred with the sale of your home.