As you may know, Chesterfield County has confirmed that there is a speeding problem on Pinetta Drive between Midlothian Turnpike and Buford Road.
The county is pursuing pole mounted speed display signs and/or an additional fine for speeding, as permitted by section 46.2-878.2 of the Code of Virginia. However, the county is required confirm community support for each measure before it can be implemented. Please help us get these important tools for reducing speed on Pinetta Drive.
The survey will be open until 5pm on October 11.
Helpful Info:
- One survey per address (they do not ask for your name, only your address). You can vote whether you rent or own your home.
- You may vote for the speed display sign (solar powered sign that shows your current speed) additional $200 fine, or both. If you do not vote, you are assumed to be AGAINST both options.
- Vote by phone or online
Go Online: https://Chesterfieldcounty.checkboxonline.com/pinettadrive
Thank you for supporting traffic safety in our neighborhood!