Community Grounds & Maintenance
Clean Up Before Memorial Day!
The pool opens Memorial Day weekend and we need to whip the grounds into shape and enhance our curb appeal! New Approach
Instead of doing a single grounds work day this year, we are going to try a choose-your-own adventure approach. The Sign Up Genius lists all the grounds improvements that need to be done before opening day and people can sign up for as many as they want and complete them when it is convenient. Locations & Work Load We've divided the tasks by location so that you and your family can "adopt-a-bed", so to speak. On the sign up genius, the letter of each job corresponds with the letter on our aerial photograph. This sign-up is limited to the tasks that need to be done before the pool opens and does not include some larger projects that I described on Facebook that we will be recruiting for at a later date. This also does not include any work within the pool fence. Instructions On the Sign Up Genius you'll find detailed instructions for each task, including types and numbers of plants, colors, etc. in order to achieve a harmonious design. Some tasks are much larger than others and are the perfect opportunity to partner with other families. Questions If you have questions about the details of a task, you can click here to contact Kristin Kirchen for clarification. Next Steps Once all of this weeding and planting and clean up is done, we will have a large load of mulch delivered and then we will all need to show up with our wheelbarrows, rakes, and shovels and spread it all out. Ready? Set? Go Brighton Green! |